25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) - 18 September
18th September 2022

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) - 18 September
A reflection on today's gospel reading by the Venerable Archbishop Fulton J Sheen:
"'Make friends for yourselves with the mammon of iniquity’ (Lk 16:9) is one of the mysterious sayings of Our Blessed Lord to those who do not understand its meaning. ‘Mammon’ is a Syrian word meaning money, and Jesus calls it the ‘mammon of iniquity’ because those to whom Our Lord spoke too often used it for unjust and iniquitous purposes. A dollar bill in our pocket, if it could speak, might scandalise us in telling us the things for which it was spent, the transactions in which it had taken part, and the sinful pleasures it had bought. Our Lord tells us that there is a time when it fails, for the man who has money is only a steward. Death says to every man: ‘Give an account of your stewardship for you can be steward no longer’ (Lk 16:2). Money simply cannot be transferred to the world beyond.
"Here we come to the purpose of money according to the Saviour. Give away money to those who are in need, for by relieving their necessity you will make friends of those who will intercede for the salvation of your soul. Money will not buy heaven; but it will make friends for us that will help us when we fail. Those who have been helped by our charity will lead us before the throne saying: ‘This is he of whom we have spoken and who did so much for us in the life below.’
"A traveler in a foreign country exchanges his own currency for that of the other land. So too the wealth we have here can be exchanged for spiritual wealth in the next world where ‘neither moth nor rust destroy, and where thieves neither break in nor steal’ (Mt 6:20).
"What is the psychology of those who will never touch their capital for charity? They keep piling up more and more reserves, each new addition becoming as sacred as the one before. The answer is that every man is made for the infinite, which is God. But his reason becomes blinded through prejudice or sin, so he substitutes another infinite which is money. He then wants more and more of having, instead of more and more of being which is life in God. No matter how many hairs a man has in his head, it hurts to have even one pulled out. No matter how much capital a man has, it hurts to touch even a cent of it. He knows ‘he can’t take it with him’ so he denies there is any place to go.
"The Christian way is to use money that those who are helped may be our intercessors in heaven.
"There is much money given away, but little of it is used for the soul. Some give it away in order to have their name glorified on the door of a hospital or a university. Our Lord said: ‘Let not your left hand know what your right hand gives’. This was followed by the second principle of giving: The gift must be offered for a Divine reason. The cup of cold water will be given a reward a hundredfold if it is given in Christ’s name.
"There is so much giving that is wasted because it is not done for the soul. The world thinks that the highest things must be used for the lowest, for example, the intellect to make surplus wealth. The man of God believes that the lowest must be used for the highest, that is, money must be spent to help spread Divine Truth, to solace the afflicted and to cure the sick that their souls may be free to work out their salvation. The truest answer to ‘You can’t take it with you’ is: ‘You can, provided you give it away.’ Then it is stored up as merit in the next life." (Way to Happiness)
Prayer for Honesty
O Jesus, Prince of all Heavenly truths, Your Words are carved for eternity! You have commanded the virtue of honesty. It is the power against all deceptions. Direct Your Spirit of honesty upon me, that my soul may always remain stainless. Guide my daily thoughts, words and actions, To join those living by the Spirit of truth. For honesty yields harmony and loyalty, enriching all human relationships. By the power of Your Spirit that flourishes, Honesty will prevail in this world! Amen. 💖🙏💐