32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) - 12 November
12th November 2023
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) - 12 November
“The souls in Purgatory are our friends. If everyone had to adopt a soul to pray for, Purgatory would be emptied in no time.” - St Gertrude the Great
During the month of November, we are reminded to pray for the poor souls in Purgatory that they may soon be welcomed into Heaven. Please pray for the souls of all the deceased and have a Mass offered for them.
A reflection on today's Gospel reading by the Venerable Archbishop Fulton J Sheen:
"In our day, it is the bride who keeps the bridegroom waiting at the Church. In the days of Our Lord it was the bridegroom who kept the bride waiting. Hence Our Lord compared entering heaven to the ten virgins or bridesmaids who went out to meet the bridegroom who kept everyone waiting until midnight. Five of the bridesmaids had oil in their lamps to light the way; five others allowed their oil to flicker down into extinction. The five who were without oil hurriedly went out to buy, but the markets were closed. The bridegroom came and the door was shut. THE LESSON?
"1) The Bridegroom is Our Lord. The Church in its fullness throughout the world is the Bride. We who await the coming of the Bridegroom at the hour of death are the bridesmaids.
"2) The oil is merit by which we enter heaven. The closed door is security for those who have merit. But for those who have no merit the closed door means exclusion. For some it is the wedding-bell; for others the funeral knell.
"3) We may have the oil of the Spirit of Christ at the beginning, but as life ebbs on we may fail to renew or replenish it. If we have faith without good works we have the ‘lamp’ of the Catholic but not the ‘Oil’ of merit.
"The foolish virgins did not pour out the oil in sinful waste hence, in this respect they did not sin. Though they are called ‘foolish’ they are still called ‘virgins’. The problem is not WHAT they did, but, THAT they did nothing. They neglected the greater interests of the Bridegroom. We lose our souls not merely by doing evil, but principally by neglecting to do good.
"Now what does the Church say is the greatest way to gain merit and to care for the interests of the Bridegroom?
"1) It is by aiding the Missions that we serve the greater interests of the Bridegroom. Pius XI said that: ‘Charity to the Missions surpasses all other charities as Heaven surpasses earth and Eternity, time.’
"2) The oil of merit must be replenished daily—by even a little sacrifice. The sacrifice can be the denial of a cigarette, or a drink, or a magazine. At the end of the month gather up the drops of oil and send them to the new Vicar of the Bridegroom, our new Holy Father.
"3) The Holy Father knows better than we do the needs of the Church in each part of the world. Remember, whenever you sacrifice to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith your sacrifice goes to the Vicar of the Bridegroom.
"By your sacrifices you will fill your ‘lamp’ with the precious ‘oil’ of merit. Then when the Bridegroom cometh you will be ready, the door will be open, and you will enter into the everlasting marriage with Him in Heaven."
(The Catholic Northwest Progress, Vol. 61, No 45, 7 Nov 1958)
Prayer for Wisdom (St Thomas Aquinas)
Give to me, O Lord God, a watchful heart, which no capricious thought can lure away from You.
Give to me a noble heart, which no unworthy desire can debase.
Give to me a resolute heart, which no evil intention can divert.
Give to me a stalwart heart, which no tribulation can overcome.
Give to me a temperate heart, which no violent passion can enslave.
Give to me, O Lord my God, understanding of You, diligence in seeking You, wisdom in finding You, discourse ever pleasing to You, perseverance in waiting for You, and confidence in finally embracing You. Amen.
Prayer of Preparation
O Almighty God, You pour out Your spirit of grace and supplication on all who desire it. Grant us the prudence of the five wise bridesmaids, that we may ever be ready to welcome You with our whole being. Deliver us, when we draw near to You, from cold hearts and wandering minds, that with steady thoughts and kindled passion we may worship You in spirit and in truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Food for thought
“Stay Awake, for you do not know either the day or the hour when your Lord will return.” In His words, Jesus warns us to always be spiritually awake. We must be careful to never let our souls be in peril by lapsing into spiritual sloth. Do we keep our lamps of faith burning brightly with regular reception of the sacraments and attending Mass? Or do we frequently give in to the urge to miss Sunday Mass “just this once”, or neglect our daily prayers because we’re “too busy” yet have time to watch our favourite tv show or play sports. Do we strive to live in a way pleasing to God? Or do we make the foolish assumption that we will have time to repent of our sinful lifestyle just before we die. It is therefore imperative that we heed the words of Christ and keep our souls awake so we may be ready to greet Him when He comes.