4th Sunday of Easter / Good Shepherd Sunday - 21 April
21st April 2024

“Is not our Lord as meek and humble in the Blessed Sacrament as He was during His life on earth? Is He not always the Good Shepherd, the Divine Consoler, the Changeless Friend? Happy the soul that knows how to find Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, and in the Eucharist all things!” - St Peter Julian Eymard
A reflection on today's Gospel by the Venerable Archbishop Fulton J Sheen:
"No figure is more often employed in the Exodus to describe God leading His people from slavery to freedom than that of a shepherd. The prophets also often spoke of the shepherds who preserved a flock in good pastures as distinct from false shepherds. God is depicted by Isaias as carrying His sheep in His arms, and by Ezekiel as a shepherd looking for His lost sheep. Zachariah gave the saddest picture of all in prophesying that the Messiah-shepherd would be struck, and the sheep dispersed. Best known is Psalm 23 where the Lord is pictured as leading His sheep into green pastures.
"The Lord revealed at what cost these green pastures are purchased. He was not the Good Shepherd because He provided economic plenty, but because He would lay down His life for His sheep. Once again the Cross appears under the symbol of the shepherd. The shepherd-patriarch Jacob and the shepherd-king David now pass into the Shepherd-Saviour, as the staff becomes a crook, the crook a sceptre, and the sceptre a Cross.
"‘This My Father loves in Me, that I am laying down My Life, to take It up again afterwards. Nobody can rob Me of It; I lay It down of My Own accord. I am free to lay It down, free to take It up again.’ (John 10:11, 17, 18)
"His death is neither accidental nor unforeseen; nor does He speak of His death apart from His glory; nor of the laying-down of His life without taking it up again. No mere man could have said this. The invisible aid of heaven was at His call. Here Our Lord established that His Father’s love had sent Him on the mission that He was to accomplish on earth. It did not mean the beginning of the Father’s love, as it might be the beginning of a love of a parent for one who rescued his child from drowning. He was already the Eternal Object of an Eternal Love. But now in His human nature, He gives an additional reason for that love, namely, the proving of His love by dying. Since He was sinless, death had no power over Him. The taking-up of His life was just as much a part of the Divine plan as was the laying-down of it. The sacrificial lambs offered through the centuries were sin-bearers by imputation, but they were also dumb sufferers led in ignorance to an altar. The priest of the Old Law would lay his hand over the sheep in order to indicate that he was imputing sins to the one to be sacrificed. But He willingly took on sin for the sake of the new life He would bestow after the Resurrection. When He said that He laid down His life for His sheep He meant not only in behalf of them, but also in the stead of them. After the Resurrection, when He gave Peter the triple injunction to feed His lambs and sheep, He prophesied that Peter would have to die for His flock, as He had done.
"The Father loved Him, He said, not merely because He laid down His life, for men can become victims of superior forces. If He died without resuming His life, His function would have ceased after His sacrifice; He would have been only a beautiful memory. But the Father’s love contemplated more than this. He also was to take up His life and to continue to exercise the royal rights. In retaking life, He would be able to continue sovereignty on different terms.
"This double action was the mandate of His Father. ‘That is the charge which My Father has given Me’ (John 10:18). Thus, while the surrender of His life and the taking-up of His life was spontaneous, it was also a consequence of an appointment and an ordinance which He received from the Heavenly Father when He became man. The Father did not will that His Son should perish, but rather that He should triumph in the greatest possible act of love."
(Life of Christ)
Prayer to Follow Jesus, the Good Shepherd
Gentle Jesus, compassionate and caring Good Shepherd, help me to follow You faithfully. Strengthen me daily with Your love, and guide me along life’s paths. Nourish and refresh my soul with Your divine presence. Keep me free from every evil, protect me from sickness and danger, and lead me to serve You with all my mind and heart and soul. Hear my needs and grant my petitions, especially these intentions important to me at this time (mention your petitions here). Bless me each day with peace of mind and heart. May I experience Your saving power in my daily life, as I await the fullness of life and joy with You forever. Amen. 🙏💖💐
World Day of Prayer for Vocations - 21 April 2024
The purpose of this day is to publicly fulfill the Lord’s instruction to, “Pray the Lord of the harvest to send labourers into his harvest” (Mt 9:38, Lk 10:2). Please pray that young men and women hear and respond generously to the Lord’s call to the ordained ministries (priesthood & diaconate), consecrated life in all its forms (male & female religious life, societies of apostolic life, consecrated virginity), secular institutes, and to the missionary life.
Prayer for Vocations
Heavenly Father, We ask you to bless our diocese with selfless hearts that are willing to serve You, by serving Your Church. Lord Jesus raise up from our homes those called by the Father: courageous and humble men to the priesthood, faithful people to Consecrated Life and holy men and women to the sacrament of Marriage. Holy Spirit, help us to live our universal vocation to holiness, by listening to the Father’s voice and responding with a sacrificial love. Holy Mary, Model of Vocations, teach us to hear and follow your Son. Holy Mary, Queen of Priests, sanctify our priests and obtain for us many more. Holy Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for our families and intercede for our children. Amen. 🙏💖💐
Art credit: Peter Turner (2022)