Exhibition of Eucharistic Miracles

Our parish is blessed to receive an exhibition of Eucharistic miracles, which is based on the work of Bl Carlo. He developed a webpage www.miracolieucaristici.org to show to the world 32 eucharistic miracles from history.
He said that “the Eucharist is my highway to heaven.” Carlo will be declared a saint (canonised) next year as part of the Jubilee Year celebrations.
This high-quality display comes to us through the generous work of Kate and Kieran Hobbs of Brisbane. Their work is voluntary and so a donation is requested as you visit the exhibition to defray their costs. The exhibition will be with us from June 6th to 11th, coinciding with our patronal feast day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Part of the display is a first class relic of Bl Carlo.
The display will be in the meeting room and the church itself. Entry is through the church or directly into the meeting room. The exhibition will not be available during Mass and Holy Hour times. Please consult the Parish Bulletin for these times.
Proposed hours of opening for the exhibition
Thursday June 6 - 1:30pm to 4:30pm
Friday June 7 - 10:30am to 11:30am and 1pm to 4:30pm
Saturday June 8 - 10am to 4:30pm
Sunday June 9 - 10am to 12noon
Monday June 10 - 9am to 12 noon NB this is King’s birthday holiday
Tuesday June 11 - 8am to 11:30am